Ichiran (一蘭) - Japan's Top Must-Try Ramen

Ichiran Ramen in Umeda, Osaka

Ichiran is an extremely popular ramen place in Japan. I first stumbled upon this place when I visited Hong Kong last December, and I finally got to try it right at its "source" here in Japan! 

During our first night in Osaka, we dropped by the area of Dotonbori, and we accidentally passed by two Ichiran restaurants. Both of which were flocked with people (a mixed of locals and tourists), but the one nearer the Glico man had more people queuing up. Anyway, here in this blog post, I'll just provide you another "tour" of the place while I share my experience with you.

Related Post: Ichiran Ramen in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Ticket Payment System of Ichiran Ramen

One of the fascinating things I experienced in Japan is the impressive efficiency of its payment systems. I'm not talking only about the transportation system but as well as those that relate with food. Well, it may not be applicable to all, but some restaurants has this machine with which you'll insert your money and accurately dispenses your change (both bills and coins) and the ticken as shown below.

Ticket Ichiran Ramen

Another thing I noticed is that restaurants here in Japan often have this "friendly for singles" structure, wherein dining alone is a "thing". In fact, I didn't stumble upon a restaurant that has circular or rectangular tables to sit in a family.

Ichiran Interior in Japan

Now, upon handing over your ticket, you will be given this paper in exchange. Afterwards, you will be holding something that will determine how well your ramen will be. Now, exercise proper judgment here and make sure you tailor-fit your ramen to your buds.

Ichiran Ramen || ¥790 or approximately P330
The ramen here in Ichiran is something really appealing for my taste preference (i.e. balanced flavors). Each sip really had this potent yet surprisingly well-coordinated flavors that just hit the right spots! Now, of course this will still vary depending on your customization.

Extra noodles cost ¥190 and ¥130 for half serving.
Ichiran Noodles

Bowl of Ichiran Ramen, Umeda, Osaka

Let me quote my prior statement regarding the ramen I tried in Hong Kong:
This bowl of ramen was stunning! The soup was immensely refreshing with its harmonious flavors -- not too strong, just enough to tickle the buds. The noodles I chose was extra hard, just the way I wanted it to be. Combining them all resulted to a very rich experience.
I still had the same experience (perhaps even better) despite this being my second time, and even so, I am craving at the moment to give it a try once again. This is why I'm hailing this as the best ramen in my list (unfortunately, since this is not yet here in the Philippines, I couldn't include it in my other blog post).

Related Post: Top 10 Ramen Restaurants in Metro Manila

By the way, I just launched Wander Kid Travel blog which will now be officially housing my travels and other related posts. You can read there more about my Japan travel.

Ichiran Ramen - Overall Ratings and Summary

Note: Unshaded stars are equivalents of half-stars. The ratings apply solely to this dining experience.
Place ★★
Taste  ★★
Service  ★★
Value for Money ★★
Budget: a personal bowl of ramen starts at ¥790 or approximately P330

Ichiran Ramen is perhaps the best ramen I tasted so far, and unlike my experience in Hong Kong, I was able to better appreciate this! Well, that's because the ramen here is far more affordable and hence maximized the money I just paid for.  I am certainly giving this a two-thumbs up, and I urge you to try this one especially if you are into the more "balanced" type of ramen.

I would definitely love to hear from you. Do drop a comment. I'll definitely appreciate it. Thanks! 

    Ichiran Ramen
    Location: 530-0027 Osaka Prefecture, Osaka, Kita-ku, Dōyamachō
    Operating Hours: 24 Hours according to Google Maps
    Contact No.: +81 6-6312-5177 (Japan)
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