Exotic Food Challenge with Joyce Ching - Chinese Dishes Edition

January 21, 2014 - I was invited in an event wherein bloggers would help Joyce Ching try three (3) Chinese exotic dishes! This is for the celebration of Joyce Ching's birthday and coincidentally the upcoming Chinese New Year. It just so happened that everything seemed to fit suitably because Joyce is half-Chinese.

Okay, I'll no longer keep you waited and reveal now the 3 secret exotic Chinese dishes she needed to taste.

Note: The main ingredients of the secret exotic dishes weren't made known to everybody as we tasted the dish.

Exotic Chinese Dish - Fried Pigeon
Exotic Chinese Dish - Fried Pigeon
Secret Dish 1 - Fried Pigeon
Probably, you already have heard about ducks being used as ingredients for a dish? Now, how about pigeons? I bet you haven't.

Anyway, this Fried Pigeon was apparently the assigned dish to us, and so we would join Joyce Ching in tasting the dish. Upon laying sight on the food, I felt relieved because it didn't look disgusting as I thought, and nothing even near that (except the occasional view of the pigeon's head, why did they have to include it there?) Overall, the dish just looked like your regular Peking Duck.

Joyce Ching about to taste the Fried Pigeon for the first Secret Exotic Dish
Joyce Ching about to taste the Fried Pigeon for the first Secret Exotic Dish

The main difference between a Peking Duck and this dish resided on the taste and texture. To elaborate, the pigeon meat had a strong natural saltiness in taste and roughness in its texture. The nearest thing that I can compare this with is a pork liver, and I don't think I liked it. Nevertheless, it felt nice trying something unusual.

A genuine exotic food - a dish made out of turtle meat
A genuine exotic food - a dish made out of turtle meat

Secret Dish 2 - Turtle Meat
Okay, you may be shocked to hear this but yes turtle meat is a specialty dish common in Chinese Cuisine. Cruel? Maybe. A friend I just met in the event told me that turtles cry when harmed. Unfortunately, he was the one designated to join Joyce in tasting the dish. Since it wasn't immediately revealed, he was able to get a peace of it, and regretted it afterwards because he felt sorry for the harmless turtle.

Accordingly, almost everybody in the group assigned to taste the turtle meat agreed that it tasted great! Joyce even hailed this as her number among the three dishes. However, personally, I don't find eating turtles appealing (and rather appalling), but I have tried it once by force, and I found the slimy texture too bothering. I sworn that day that I will not eat something like it again.

Joyce Ching up for the last exotic dish - the Eel in Tausi Sauce
Joyce Ching up for the last exotic dish - the Eel in Tausi Sauce
Exotic Chinese Dish No. 3 - the Eel in Tausi Sauce
Exotic Chinese Dish No. 3 - the Eel in Tausi Sauce
Secret Dish 3 Eel in Taosi Sauce
Based on the comments of those who helped Joyce in this challenge, the eel had a rather weird and suspicious texture. On the other hand ,the taste had semblance with a fish meat, but there was something with it that was distractingly powerful. As a result, this was chosen as the least favorite by Joyce Ching. Also, when this dish was offered to others, they were very reluctant, and so was I.

The bloggers, writers and reporters who joined the Exotic Food Tasting Event with Joyce Ching
The bloggers, writers and reporters who joined the Exotic Food Tasting Event with Joyce Ching
A Birthday Surprise for Joyce Ching
Aside from the Exotic Food Challenge, GMA Artist Center organized this event to give a birthday surprise to the teenage celebrity, Joyce Ching, who just turned 19 this month. Krystal Reyes and Phytos Ramirez together with some of the fans from Chinglovers helped out in executing the birthday surprise for Joyce, who by the way, got teary from astonishment and elation.

Joyce Ching blowing the candles for her birthday surprise (with Krystal Reyes and Phytos Ramirez)
Joyce Ching blowing the candles for her birthday surprise (with Krystal Reyes and Phytos Ramirez)
The Birthday Cakes all for Joyce Ching's 19th Birthday
The Birthday Cakes all for Joyce Ching's 19th Birthday

Here's an awesome cake by the Chinglovers:
Cake from Chinglovers for no other than Joyce Ching!
Cake from Chinglovers for no other than Joyce Ching!

A Cupcake for the Birthday Girl , Joyce Ching! Happy 19th Birthday!
A Cupcake for the Birthday Girl , Joyce Ching! Happy 19th Birthday!

Soon after, Joyce Ching together with Phytos Ramirez was interviewed by Nelson Canlas regarding the Exotic Food Challenge, her upcoming shows and love life, as well.

Joyce Ching and Phytos Ramirez being interviewed by showbiz reporter Nelson Canlas
Joyce Ching and Phytos Ramirez being interviewed by showbiz reporter Nelson Canlas
Joyce Ching's Birthday Wishes
When asked about what she wants for her Birthday, Joyce Ching wished for continuous success in her showbiz career and that she may find the energy and will to be serious on getting her body more toned.

Joyce Ching with the cakes for her 19th Birthday
Joyce Ching with the cakes for her 19th Birthday
Joyce Ching and Phytos Ramirez posing together
Joyce Ching and Phytos Ramirez posing together
Joyce Ching with friends Crystal Reyes and Phytos Ramirez
Catch Joyce Ching in the upcoming teleserye, Paraiso Ko'y Ikaw which will be aired on GMA starting January 27, 2014.

Before I end this blog post, permit me to activate my fan mode.

A Not-So-Popular Kid (Renz Cheng) with the Birthday Girl, Joyce Ching and Krystal Reyes
A Not-So-Popular Kid with the Birthday Girl, Joyce Ching and Krystal Reyes
More power to you both Joyce Ching and Krystal Reyes! May your careers forever flourish! 

Related Post: Food for the Heart Event with Chynna Ortaleza, Ryza Cenon, Benjamin Alvez and Bettinna Carlos

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