Krissell's Homebaked Caramel Cakes + Cupcakes

Krissell's Homebaked Caramel Cakes + Cupcakes

Creamy, luscious, melt-in-your-mouth caramel-custard on top of a moist cake. This is what you'll get from Krissell's Homebaked Caramel Cakes. Plus, everything is very much balanced allowing you to really indulge in this heavenly dessert. 

Krissell's Homebaked Caramel Cupcakes

Another thing that I really adored with Krissell's cakes was how lovely the packaging was. It was as if you're getting a souvenir from an event. When ordering cupcakes, they are neatly packaged in this adorable dividers which works two ways: (1) protecting the cupcakes from possible distortions, (2) improving the visuals

Krissell's Homebaked Caramel Cakes
...creamy, luscious, melt-in-your-mouth with captivating push-and-pull of salted caramel goodness

Caramel Cupcakes by Krissell's Homebaked Desserts

The Caramel Cake, on the other hand, comes with this high-quality baby-blue cake box that gives it a sweeter appeal. It also provided me much excitement as I open this box, and unveiling the moist, luscious cake! 

Caramel Cupcake - Krissell's - a must-try!

The caramel was captivating, especially with the comforting push-and-pull of salty-sweet goodness. There was a tremendous balance in this push-and-pull which really made me want more (which explains why I just downed 2 cupcakes in just 1 minute). The texture was also velvety tickling the buds as you savor the caramel. 

One large Caramel Cake by Krissells

This is one of the best homebaked caramel cakes I tried, and surely this is something you should try. You may even want to give this as a gift. With a great packaging, this surely won't disappoint the one you'll give to. Check 'em out! 

Plating the adorable caramel cupcakes of Krissell's Homebaked Caramel Cakes

For orders, you may message them at their FB Page or IG @krissells_caramel_cake . You may also contact them via mobile +639561351788. You may also navigate via the IG post I've shared below for your convenience.
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