Coffee Bean in Malate Pensionne is Japan-like Cafe!

Coffee Bean in Malate Pensionne is Japan-like Cafe!

Normally, I don't post about mainstream cafe such as Starbucks or Coffee Bean. I just feel that there is nothing that much blog-able with them, especially that there are practically everywhere. However, this branch we happened to discover is an exception. Following the celebration of my younger brother's birthday in a nearby restaurant called Korean Village (read more), we decided to grab quick bites for desserts. After googling cafes near the restaurant, this Coffee Bean branch popped out.

Interior of Coffee Bean in Malate Pensionne

Taking a night stroll 
Since the cafe was just walking distance away from the restaurant, we decided to take a stroll. It was almost 10:00PM by that time, and so the streets were almost clear (not to mention that it was a few days away before the community quarantine). However, the stillness made it feel semi-romantic as we all walked to Coffee Bean. Then, as we approached the cafe, we couldn't help but notice the old-fashioned facade of the place. It certainly swayed us with its charm, and further added to the romantic feels in the air.

Japan-like design of Coffee Bean in Malate Pensionne

A trip down the memory lane
As we entered the cafe, we realized that it was not your ordinary Coffee Bean. The space is rather narrow, yet the wooden elements in the interior made it feel cozier than usual. Then as I walked forward, I felt odd not seeing the ordering counter. It was puzzling for about a few seconds, and then I figured that there was a stair leading to brighter lights, still embellished which such magnificent wooden texture.

A wave of memory came crashing down on me, as I felt funny with a bit of nostalgia to it. I searched deep within why it felt rather familiar. Then, after basking in the moment for a few more seconds, I realized that it was the memories from my Japan trip that kept mixing in.

Interior of Coffee Bean in Malate Pensionne

The architecture and interior of the place was unusual for our setting, but very common for restaurants and cafes I visited in Japan. This explains why I was associating this Coffee Branch to my travel to Japan. It sort of brought me back to those precious moments. Hence, for this reason, I'm writing about it, so that you too can have a look of this branch!

Drinks of Coffee Bean Philippines

As for the menu, you'll find the standard selection. Nothing new actually, but the great interior just made the experience different altogether.

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake of Coffee Bean

Fear refocuses perception of what is important
While it was my intention to share about the place so that many will be able to discover it, another reason why I wanted to write about this is to somehow immortalize our memory. After all, it was my younger brother's birthday celebration which turned out to be 'one-of-a-kind' given the impending crisis on the coronavirus.

I found it special how a wave of fear forces our mind to focus on what matters to us, and in that moment, I felt very thankful that I have them with me.

Birthday Celebration with Virtual Candles in Coffee Bean

Here are some snapshots of our post-dinner celebration here in Coffee Bean and eventually capping the night off.

Gerald Cheng in Coffee Bean, Malate Pensionne

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Coffee Bean
Location: Malate Pensionne, 1771 M. Adriatico St, Malate, Manila, Metro Manila
Service Charge: NONE
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