Democrita's Premium Chili Garlic Oil - a unique experience!
Democrita's Chili Garlic Oil is growing at an unnoticeable pace, overshadowed by the booming growth of other food trends. However, along with this gradual growth comes stability. Fueling further this stability is the uniqueness of each recipe we come across, be it in the market or home sellers. I have many friends selling chili garlic oil, but each has a different feel. Some are spicier. Some have more garlic. Others are different altogether. This is what I’ve experienced with Democrita’s Premium Chili Garlic. It stands out with its own uniqueness.
Right before I was given the privilege to taste Democrita’s Chili Garlic, I was briefed that it contains special ingredients (secret spices that gives it its unique flavors). I got thrilled. I always loved chili garlic, but somehow they are telling me that I can love it even more.
My palate was immediately greeted with a playful texture.
I took a spoonful, and with such wonderful coincidence, my mom just prepared salmon. I topped the fish with chili garlic, and took a bite. My palate was immediately greeted with a playful texture. Mmm. Toasted garlic soaked in chili oil. That’s a first. It gives this chewy texture, revitalizing the dish with an extra layer of bite. Also, I immediately took notice of how the chili, garlic and all other spices filled the bottle to its brim. This means one thing there’s way more chili and garlic more than the oil, and that suits my preference.
Democrita’s Premium Chili Garlic surprises. That’s a present tense because it continues to do so. Whenever I feel like my food is getting uninteresting, I just top it off with it, and voila. It magically magnifies the flavors and perks up the dish.
I highly recommend, and there’s high chance that you won’t be disappointed! You may order Democrita’s Premium Chili Garlic from their Facebook Page: One bottle currently costs P250 (as of September 2019). It's definitely worth it!
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