Street Food Adventure with Huawei P9's Leica Camera

Street Food Adventure with Huawei P9's Lecia Camera

Huawei P9, Leica Camera and a dash of history on blogging

A Brief Background on A Not-So-Popular Kid
I started blogging with photos taken from phones of friends. I was really unsure back then if food blogging was really for me, but I just decided to test the waters. Soon after, I found myself enjoying it, in such a way that even my parents saw how enthusiastic I was over blogging. They wanted to give me further support, so they bought a DSLR camera for me to use.

From then, I became so used to having my camera with me each time I blog, and whenever I accidentally leave it at home, I lose the energy to blog about the place or restaurant we explore no matter how blog-worthy they may be. That was how DSLR-dependent I was. Friends criticize me for this and tell me that I shouldn't be ashamed of using photos from phone camera because that's how I started. Now, being a good friend I am, I didn't listen. Maybe I was just not confident enough over the quality of the photos taken by a phone camera.

Suddenly, all of these started to change when I got acquainted with the Leica camera of Huawei P9, which is a photography-centered phone of Huawei.

A Day of Street Food
I set off on a foodie journey with no DSLR with me. I was still having hesitation on using a camera phone for blogging ,but I decided to shrug it off and give it a try. It was a cloudy day that time, but I found myself in the middle of a street somewhere in Las Piñas, so I emarked on a street food adventure to try the Leica camera!

At first, it was slightly weird for me to take photos with a phone (for the purpose of blogging). It was foreign for my hand as it was sleek and slim as compared to the bulky frame of a DSLR.

I proceeded with taking photos, and I got really impressed by how great the photos turned out to be. I can't even distinguish them much from the regular once I take using my DSLR. The photos were able to capture "depth" with the aperture settings. In short, it was like taking photos with DSLR, but only with something more portable.

A Subtle Shift of Perspective
The photos taken by the Huawei P9 gives me a subtle realization of appreciating the finer details of things around me -- that each object found on the street have a sense of significance with just the proper perspective. The captured depth of objects then somehow tells me that though you may sometimes be "just a blur" for not being the center of focus, you still add wonder to the entire picture. So again, things are just a matter of perspective. Change the way we see things, and we'll change the way we live our lives.

A "Dyahe" Moment 
I ordered three pieces of kwek-kwek and took photos of them. I was preoccupied of taking photos, so I was adding "vinegar" without much focus. When I took a bite of one kwek-kwek, I found the taste bland, as if there was no vinegar. "Well, maybe I didn't put much vinegar". Hence, I came back to kuya to add more of the sauce, until he said, "Ay sir, hindi po suka yan". I was in a state of shock and dyahe, so I acted as if I knew what I was doing. As I processed what happened, I realized that what I was scooping as sauce was the "pangbanlaw" of the dipper.

Anyway, that's all about my street food adventure, and through this experience, I realized that there is no more need for me to feel FOMO each time there is something blog-worthy to come. With the awesome Leica camera, I can now be a food blogger on-the-go!

Now, it's your turn to wonderfully immortalize memories and experiences with Huawei P9 and its perfectly crafted Leica camera! It's indeed a reliable partner for all your explorations and adventures!
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